Saint George and The Dragon: Summer Camp Performance by Grumbling Gryphons
August 14, 2021 @ 5:00 pm EDT
Saint George and The Dragon: A Midsummers’ Revel with Merriment and Music!
Performed by 2021 Theater Arts Campers
29 Lake Road, West Cornwall
Directed by Leslie Elias / Masks & Costumes by Ellen Moon
Rain date: Sunday, August 15, 10:30am
Directed by Leslie Elias / Masks & Costumes by Ellen Moon
Rain date: Sunday, August 15, 10:30am
Musical Accompaniment by Rachel Gall, Kathy Lyon, and Jane Prentice, of Still, The Homegrown Band, and Charlie Kiel and The Berkshire Stompers
Reservations required via email (grumblinggryphons@gmail.com) or phone (860-672-0286).
Bring a lawn chair or blanket and a smile! (Masks suggested if not vaccinated)
Join us after the show for refreshments, celebration and playful parade with ” Still, The Homegrown Band” and a special appearance of “The Golden Lady” created/performed by Ellen Moon.
Suggested donation $10/person or $20/family.