3-14-2023 WMPWCV – Regular Meeting Agenda Topic: 3/14/2023 Wastewater Management Project in WCV – Regular Meeting Time: Mar 14, 2023 05:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting [Read More…]
Category Archives: Town News & Notices
The special meeting for the 3/16/2023 BoS meeting has been postponed until 3/21/2023. Below is the new agenda. 3-21-2023 BoS Special Meeting Agenda
03072023 regular meeting March 7, 2023
02272023 cancellation
02072023 regular meeting zoom agenda
https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/HNJmejmAdnk8lnwIOvt6uAOrnAfFuMqcsmD7ui6T8JamNekv_ulqK21N7YsW5oM.XEj2VnOHAWNKpr42 Passcode: u$QrXR6Z
Three-hour work week plus serving as acting town clerk when so designated (15 – 20 full days per year). The goal is to train a new assistant and support them [Read More…]
01102023 regular meeting agenda