Storytime with Rita Delgado – Library

The Cornwall Library 30 Pine St, Cornwall, CT, United States

Storytime with Rita Delgado: Saturday, February 8th, from 10:30am until noon. Jump into a magical book-filled interactive reading time with Miss Rita.


Park & Recreation Meeting – Hybrid/Library

The Cornwall Library 30 Pine St, Cornwall, CT, United States

Director-Jennifer Markow- (860) 672-4071 3rd Monday of month, except as noted* 6:30 p.m except as noted* Cornwall Library, Hybrid/Zoom/In Person


Land Use Meeting – Hybrid/Library

The Cornwall Library 30 Pine St, Cornwall, CT, United States

Clerk-Karen Nelson – (860) 672-4957 Planning & Zoning Commission 2nd Tuesday -7:00 p.m.  Except as noted*** Zoom/Hybrid/or in person – Cornwall Library 

Hospice Care—What is it, how does it work & how can volunteers help? – Library

The Cornwall Library 30 Pine St, Cornwall, CT, United States

On Saturday, February 15th at 11am at Cornwall Library, the Cornwall Association will host Visiting Nurse and Hospice of Litchfield County (VNHLC) director, Jean Osuch, and volunteer coordinator, Pam Gordon. They will be joined by Cornwall’s director of social services, Becky Hurlburt to explain what hospice care includes and how it is put into place, [Read More...]


Board of Selectmen Meeting – Hybrid/Library

The Cornwall Library 30 Pine St, Cornwall, CT, United States

Clerk: Jane Hall - (860) 672-4959 1st and 3rd Tuesday of month 7:30pm Hybrid/Zoom/ In Person – Cornwall Library Unless otherwise changed by the Board of Selectmen

Author Talk: Ann Temkin and Romy Silver-Kohn, Inventing the Modern: Untold Stories of the Women Who Shaped The Museum of Modern Art – Library

The Cornwall Library 30 Pine St, Cornwall, CT, United States

Author Talk: Ann Temkin and Romy Silver-Kohn, Inventing the Modern: Untold Stories of the Women Who Shaped The Museum of Modern Art, Saturday, February 22 at 5 pm. The book's two co-editors will discuss the many surprises within this revisionist history of the country's foremost modern art museum in its fledgling years. Books will be [Read More...]


Affordable Housing Commission Meeting – Hybrid/Library

The Cornwall Library 30 Pine St, Cornwall, CT, United States

Last Monday of month (except as noted*) At 5:00pm Hybrid/Zoom/In Person at Library   January 6* via Zoom February 24 March 24 April 28 May  TBD* June 23 July 28 August 25 September 29           October 27 November 24 December 29