Dog Licensing in 2023: The State of Connecticut requires that all dogs six months of age or older be licensed annually on or before June 30 in the town clerk’s office in the town where the dog is owned or kept. Licenses will be available on June 1st. A current rabies vaccination certificate must be [Read More...]
Dog Licensing in 2022: The State of Connecticut requires all dogs six months of age or older be licensed annually on or before June 30 in the town clerk’s office in the town where the dog is owned or kept. Licenses will be available on June 1. A current rabies vaccination certificate must be submitted or be on file. [Read More...]
Thursday, July 7, Town Hall, 9 A.M – 12 P.M. for new electors wishing to vote on the July 9 Wastewater Management Project. The deadline to register is 12 P.M. on July 7.
An Evening with Gabby Bernstein, Thursday, July 7th. Author of Happy Days, The Guided Path from Trauma to Profound Freedom and Inner Peace. Refreshments at 5pm followed by a Q and A and book signing. In partnership with the Kent Library.
CCT Bike/Hike with Terry Burke. This is a (relatively) easy 11-mile bicycle ride in Cornwall starting at the Cornwall Library and stopping to hike through three of the Cornwall Conservation Trust Preserves: Ballyhack (9am), Welles (10am) and Cathedral Pines (11 am). Each hike is under a mile. Come to one or all. Times are approximate. [Read More...]
Pentimento Paintings by Greg Goldberg. The paintings create a dynamic balance of brushstroke and color. The title refers to the visual evidence of the underpainting being intrinsic to the making of the work Opening reception is Saturday, July 16 from 5 – 7. The show will hang until August 28.
Monday, July 18 to Saturday, July 23, 29 Lake Rd, West Cornwall. Ages 6-16. Leslie Elias with guest artists and renowned Deaf Actor Robert DeMayo will engage campers in an immersion of acting, music, art and American Sign Language, culminating in a dual language performance of The Myth of Persephone on Saturday, July 23rd at [Read More...]
PLAY AND PERFORM IN A BAND THIS SUMMER! For musicians ages 10-17 July 18 – 22 and July 25 – 29 (choose one or both weeks) Visit Replay Music Studios for more information.
Cornwall artists interested in exhibiting in the 63rd Annual Rose Algrant Art Show must submit applications with payment by July 20th. Please remember the show is open only to Cornwall residents 18 years and older.
CCT Introduction to the Blue Trail Spur of the Mohawk Trail on the Furnace Brook Preserve led by Bart Jones. Learn how to connect to the section of the Mohawk Trail that goes over the Coltsfoot Mountains while the trail's bridge over Furnace Brook undergoes repair. Meet at Foote Field. Prepare for ticks. No raindate. [Read More...]
Saturday, July 23: 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Sunday, July 24: 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Monday, July 25: Fill a Bag and Bargain Day 9 a.m. – noon Everything Must Go! Well known for its quality and variety, the Rummage Sale is eagerly anticipated each year by town residents as well as others who [Read More...]
The Cornwall Library will offer two weeks of summer camp for Cornwall children. The camps will be held the week of July 25 – 29 and August 15 – 19 from 9am until 5pm. We plan lots of interesting programming plus plenty of time outdoors, reading, and free time. Camp size is limited to 12 [Read More...]
PLAY AND PERFORM IN A BAND THIS SUMMER! For musicians ages 10-17 July 18 – 22 and July 25 – 29 (choose one or both weeks) Visit Replay Music Studios for more information.
In celebration of milestones, new beginnings, and all that our growing business community has to offer, the EDC is excited to announce CORNWALL DAY! Participating businesses and local organizations will offer special activities to encourage residents and visitors alike to spend the day shopping, eating, and enjoying all Cornwall has to offer. Music, artists, crafts, [Read More...]
At the Farm Market in West Cornwall please join us for the book celebration of The Memory of All That, a love story about Alzheimer's by Mary MacCracken presented by Linda MacCracken. The Memory of All That, the last book by international bestselling author, Mary MacCracken, has just arrived! In this poignant memoir, which [Read More...]
CCT Art Show and River Walk for Cornwall Day Walk the Trinity Trail (start at trailhead) from 9-10 led by Barton Jones, Cornwall Conservation Trust President. Trailhead and parking are located past the Retreat Center on Lower River Road. Followed by an Art Show from 10:30, all day of Cornwall Artists at the CCT Offices, [Read More...]
T'ai Chi Ch'uan class: Wednesdays, 6-7 PM, Foote Field Pavilion. Cost: $50/month (first class is free). For more information: 860-672-6726, or
Free Vaccination Clinic August 5, 11am until 2pm. At the Cornwall Library. For ages 6 months to 11 years and 12+. Please bring a health insurance card and photo ID if you have them, but it is not necessary to have health insurance or ID to receive the vaccine. This clinic is conducted by Griffin [Read More...]
The 2022 Rose Algrant Art Show will be held August 5 - 7 at the Cornwall Consolidated School. Friday, August 5th, 2-6PM Saturday, August 6th, 10AM-5PM Sunday, August 7th, 10AM-12PM
Come to a celebration on Saturday, August 6, at 10 A.M. at the Cooley Preserve for Shelley Harms, CCT Executive Director, who recently was awarded the Connecticut Land Conservation Council’s “Conservation Hero Award”. Shelley helped secure over two million dollars in grant funding to conserve over 450 acres of forest and farmland, enrolling 375 acres in [Read More...]
Please join us for a Tom's Perfect 10 Granola Tasting on Saturday, August 6. 10-1 at our Farm Market in West Cornwall. Tom’s Perfect 10 is the Instagram-famous, New York-based granola brand. Tom’s Perfect 10 was founded in October 2020 by lifelong granola connoisseur and advertising executive, Tom Bannister. Tom tested different flavors and granola [Read More...]