Apart Together Vol. 41 Covid-19 Update

Apart  Together

Coronavirus / Covid-19 Update, Vol. 41

January 21, 2021



Dear Friends,


We continue to make progress with getting Covid-19 vaccinations.  The State is now restricting appointments to people 75 and over.  The State website has the most complete information – COVID-19 Vaccine in Connecticut: Main Portal.  Our thanks go out to Park & Rec Director Jen Markow who has helped many residents get an appointment.  If you are having trouble navigating the enrollment process and are 75 years and older, please call Jen @ 860-480-0600.

This week senior meals will be delivered through a joint effort of Cornwall Park & Rec and Cornwall Social Services.

People are reminded to still wear masks after receiving a vaccination as new strains of Covid are now in CT.

Cornwall is still maintaining its relatively low rate of infections.  Thanks for all your help.




Gordon Ridgway,

First Selectman

Town of Cornwall, CT

Covid 19 Update Apart Together Vol 41