Fuel Assistance: The Cornwall Food and Fuel Fund can be asked for help with the heating bills during the cold months. The application period starts October 1. Contact Social Service Director Becky Hurlburt at socialservices@cornwallct.gov or 860-689-6511 for an appointment.
The Registrars will conduct a registration session on October 1 from 9-11 A.M. The deadline to register by mail or online is Oct 18. The Registrars will have a registration session October 18 from 9-8 P.M. Same Day Registration is available during Early Voting.
Literary Seminar with Mark Scarbrough: Eudora Welty: Riffing On The U. S. South In The Key Of Chekhov. September 24, through November 12, 10:30am to 12:30pm. Registration is required at cornwalllibrary.org. In-person only.
Beginner's Tai Chi: Wednesdays, 5-6 PM, Cornwall Town Hall. First class: January 3. Cost: $50/month (first class is free). For more information: Dave at 672-6726 or davidcolbert7@gmail.com.
Writers’ Workshop with Deb Devins: A 6-week Writers’ Workshop led by Deb Devins begins Wednesday, September 4, 6pm-8pm. The workshop is open to anyone interested in writing short stories, novels, children’s stories, poetry, personal essays, memoirs, or family stories. Be inspired by the assigned writing exercises, or work on your independent writing projects. Whether you [Read More...]
Bridge is back with Gary Steinkohl: An ongoing series every Thursday through December from 3pm until 5pm at the Cornwall Library. The first class is September 5. If you know basic bidding and play and want to improve your game these classes are for you. For questions and to register contact Gary at garysteinkohl@gmail.com.
Absentee ballots will be available after October 4. Town Clerk hours are Monday –Thursday from 9–noon and 1–4. Please don’t wait until the last minute to apply for your absentee ballot, especially if there is mailing involved. They must be returned by 8 P.M. on election day.
Pastels For Beginners with Collette Hurst. Saturdays - October 5, 12, and 19, 10 am to 11:30 am. Try the art medium of pastels and experiment with vibrant colors and quick painting/drawing time. Supplies will be available at the class if you do not already have them. Maximum Participants 15. Registration is required at cornwalllibrary.org. This [Read More...]
Literary Seminar with Mark Scarbrough: Eudora Welty: Riffing On The U. S. South In The Key Of Chekhov. September 24, through November 12, 10:30am to 12:30pm. Registration is required at cornwalllibrary.org. In-person only.
Beginner's Tai Chi: Wednesdays, 5-6 PM, Cornwall Town Hall. First class: January 3. Cost: $50/month (first class is free). For more information: Dave at 672-6726 or davidcolbert7@gmail.com.
Writers’ Workshop with Deb Devins: A 6-week Writers’ Workshop led by Deb Devins begins Wednesday, September 4, 6pm-8pm. The workshop is open to anyone interested in writing short stories, novels, children’s stories, poetry, personal essays, memoirs, or family stories. Be inspired by the assigned writing exercises, or work on your independent writing projects. Whether you [Read More...]
Bridge is back with Gary Steinkohl: An ongoing series every Thursday through December from 3pm until 5pm at the Cornwall Library. The first class is September 5. If you know basic bidding and play and want to improve your game these classes are for you. For questions and to register contact Gary at garysteinkohl@gmail.com.
Pastels For Beginners with Collette Hurst. Saturdays - October 5, 12, and 19, 10 am to 11:30 am. Try the art medium of pastels and experiment with vibrant colors and quick painting/drawing time. Supplies will be available at the class if you do not already have them. Maximum Participants 15. Registration is required at cornwalllibrary.org. This [Read More...]
On Sunday October 13 at 1pm, CCT will have the annual Mushroom Walk with Dave Paton at Ballyhack Preserve. This is that special occasion to hear tales and tunes from that very fun-guy, Dave. Please come and bring your basket. No dogs during the program, be tick savvy, and please check our website for any [Read More...]
Join us at the Souterrain Gallery of the Wish House for a concert by The Old Guitarist on October 13 at 3pm. The Old Guitarist has toured throughout the United States and Europe. His compositions have been hailed as ".... vaguely akin to rock and roll but infinitely more subtle." by The Journal News. The [Read More...]
Literary Seminar with Mark Scarbrough: Eudora Welty: Riffing On The U. S. South In The Key Of Chekhov. September 24, through November 12, 10:30am to 12:30pm. Registration is required at cornwalllibrary.org. In-person only.
Meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month 7:30pm Hybrid/Zoom/ In Person – Cornwall Library - Unless otherwise changed by the Board of Selectmen .
Beginner's Tai Chi: Wednesdays, 5-6 PM, Cornwall Town Hall. First class: January 3. Cost: $50/month (first class is free). For more information: Dave at 672-6726 or davidcolbert7@gmail.com.
All meetings take place on the third Thursday of the month at 9am on zoom unless otherwise indicated. When meeting in person, the meetings will take place at the Cornwall Free Library. There will be no meeting in February or December. Location: Zoom https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87356386114?pwd=RktKSnZleG5KWC90Tzc1M1h5bm1Zdz09 Passcode: 351100
Bridge is back with Gary Steinkohl: An ongoing series every Thursday through December from 3pm until 5pm at the Cornwall Library. The first class is September 5. If you know basic bidding and play and want to improve your game these classes are for you. For questions and to register contact Gary at garysteinkohl@gmail.com.
Last day to register in person and mail-in. The Registrar of Voters will be open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. for in person registration. All mail-in voter registration applications must be received or post-marked by this date in order to be accepted. The Online Voter Registration System will also close on this date.
The Registrars will conduct a registration session on October 1 from 9-11 A.M. The deadline to register by mail or online is Oct 18. The Registrars will have a registration session October 18 from 9-8 P.M. Same Day Registration is available during Early Voting.
Household Hazardous Waste Day - Saturday October 19 - Torrington Water Control Pollution Facility - Ticket required - Contact First Selectmen's office for ticket 860-672-4959 or assistant@cornwallct.gov
Pastels For Beginners with Collette Hurst. Saturdays - October 5, 12, and 19, 10 am to 11:30 am. Try the art medium of pastels and experiment with vibrant colors and quick painting/drawing time. Supplies will be available at the class if you do not already have them. Maximum Participants 15. Registration is required at cornwalllibrary.org. This [Read More...]
Nine local potters and their guests are hosting the 8th annual Clay Way Studio Tour in Litchfield County CT and nearby Wingdale NY on October 19th and 20th from 10AM to 5PM. There are 26 artists showing their work among the 9 studios. Seven of them will be right here in Cornwall! Examples of each [Read More...]
Cornwall Volunteer Fire Department open house is Sunday, October 20th, 2024 from 12:00pm-2:00pm at the West Cornwall Firehouse. tour the fire station, meet local firefighters and EMTs, touch a truck, games and food!
Literary Seminar with Mark Scarbrough: Eudora Welty: Riffing On The U. S. South In The Key Of Chekhov. September 24, through November 12, 10:30am to 12:30pm. Registration is required at cornwalllibrary.org. In-person only.
Beginner's Tai Chi: Wednesdays, 5-6 PM, Cornwall Town Hall. First class: January 3. Cost: $50/month (first class is free). For more information: Dave at 672-6726 or davidcolbert7@gmail.com.
Bridge is back with Gary Steinkohl: An ongoing series every Thursday through December from 3pm until 5pm at the Cornwall Library. The first class is September 5. If you know basic bidding and play and want to improve your game these classes are for you. For questions and to register contact Gary at garysteinkohl@gmail.com.
The Cornwall Consolidated School 20th Walk-A-Thon will be on Friday, October 25th (Rain Date November 1st). The walk will begin at 1:00pm at the intersection of Cream Hill/Cherry Hill & Cogswell Road. We will be walking for the New York Marine Rescue Center! We invite you to join the fun, take a walk & make [Read More...]
Join fellow Cornwall gardeners as we plant 1,000 daffodils at The Cornwall Town Hall. Bring a trowel. Hot cider and donuts. Free event. No RSVP necessary!
Join fellow Cornwall gardeners as we plant 1,000 daffodils at The Cornwall Town Hall. Bring a trowel. Hot cider and donuts. Free event. No RSVP necessary!
Produced by: The American Macular Degeneration Foundation (AMDF). Directed by: A'Dora Phillips & Brian Schumacher. Run time: 42 minutes Synopsis: Now in his nineties, the kinetic sculptor Tim Prentice looks back on his career and the influences that shaped him, including his fascination with the wind; the artists Alexander Calder and George Rickey; his time [Read More...]
Literary Seminar with Mark Scarbrough: Eudora Welty: Riffing On The U. S. South In The Key Of Chekhov. September 24, through November 12, 10:30am to 12:30pm. Registration is required at cornwalllibrary.org. In-person only.
Beginner's Tai Chi: Wednesdays, 5-6 PM, Cornwall Town Hall. First class: January 3. Cost: $50/month (first class is free). For more information: Dave at 672-6726 or davidcolbert7@gmail.com.
Join the library for our Fourth Annual Carved Pumpkin Contest. Registration will be taken in advance through the library website or in person at the time of drop-off. Pumpkins may be set up on display outside the UCC parish hall starting at 12pm, and voting will take place during the Cornwall Park & Recreation Trick [Read More...]
Bridge is back with Gary Steinkohl: An ongoing series every Thursday through December from 3pm until 5pm at the Cornwall Library. The first class is September 5. If you know basic bidding and play and want to improve your game these classes are for you. For questions and to register contact Gary at garysteinkohl@gmail.com.
Business Personal Property Declarations will be mailed out to taxpayers in September. Completed declarations must be filed with the Assessor on or before November 1, 2024. Failure to comply subjects the owner to a 25% penalty. Taxable personal property includes: non-registered motor vehicles; industrial machinery; horses; commercial furniture, fixtures, and equipment; and farm machinery and [Read More...]
Electors and citizens qualified to vote at Town Meetings of the Town of Cornwall are hereby notified and warned that the Annual Town Meeting will be held on November 1, 2024 at 7:30 p.m. at Cornwall Consolidated School for the following purposes: 1. To receive reports of the officers, boards and commissions having reports to [Read More...]
On Saturday, November 2 at 10am, there will be an introductory hike of the Day Preserve. This is an easy field and forest walk along an old farm road, with open fields and picturesque woodland. Park at the Gold’s Pine parking lot which is just south of the West Cornwall Fire Department on Sharon Goshen [Read More...]
Celebrate Native American Heritage Month: Library talk November 2nd at 2pm. For over 10 years Micki Nunn-Miller, Cornwall UCC pastor, has been leading groups of volunteers who travel to the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota to work with the organization Re-Member and Oglala Lakota people. Micki, along with Becky Hurlburt and Cay Hosterman [Read More...]