Special Meeting of the Cornwall Conservation Commission
Saturday, January 21, 2023, 4pm
Format: Zoom only
Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85197776500?pwd=R0d2cXA2OGp0N1lMQXptdlVWVUFxQT09 Meeting ID: 851 9777 6500 Passcode: 629559
Held in conjunction with members of the Cornwall Garden Club
- Determine timing-flow of the events for Earth Day Educational Module on Composting to be held on April 22nd
- Confirm logistics for the 22nd: date/time, place, speakers, moderator
- Review speaker script for the 22nd
- Be in touch with speakers about their script, bios. Who introduces the event?
- Is it necessary to have responses in writing and shared with the moderator in advance?
- Provide script to Richard (he can use his own voice and edit as needed)
- Develop outreach, PR plan for the event
- Chronicle – artwork
- Press Release?
- How to manage the RSVPs
- Review/Develop workflow and assign responsibilities for the 22nd
- Costs and funding for the day
- Re-cap assignments and schedule next meeting