Housatonic River Commission – Zoom
Meetings might be held via Zoom so please always check monthly agenda for meeting location. Cornwall Consolidated School, 5 Cream Hill Road, West Cornwall, the West Cornwall Firehouse, or via [Read More...]
Meetings might be held via Zoom so please always check monthly agenda for meeting location. Cornwall Consolidated School, 5 Cream Hill Road, West Cornwall, the West Cornwall Firehouse, or via [Read More...]
New beginner T'ai Chi Ch'uan class: Wednesdays, 5-6 PM, Town Hall. First class: November 2nd. For more information: davidcolbert7@gmail.com. or 860-672-6726.
Via Zoom until the pandemic subsides at which time meetings will resume in person at The Cornwall Library.
Thursdays from 3:30 to 5pm. Begins September 15. Planned projects for the fall (subject to change) are listed below. Please join us and invite your friends! We will also have [Read More...]
Please join us for a Holiday Artisan Pop-Up Market at the Souterrain Gallery. Saturday & Sunday, December 10 & 11, and 17 & 18 11am-5pm We will be featuring Cornwall [Read More...]
Please join us for a Holiday Artisan Pop-Up Market at the Souterrain Gallery. Saturday & Sunday, December 10 & 11, and 17 & 18 11am-5pm We will be featuring Cornwall [Read More...]
Zoom until further notice Check with Zoning Office - 860-672-4957
Meetings are held at 7:30 p.m. remotely via Zoom on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month. The meetings will all be via Zoom unless otherwise changed to Town [Read More...]