Special Meeting of the Board of Finance – Zoom
Virtual4.6.23_BoF Special Meeting Agenda
4.6.23_BoF Special Meeting Agenda
Learn knitting basics and make a scarf over 3 class sessions. Purchase materials from Clover Hill Alpacas ($50) or BYO yarn and needles. Instructors: Susan Saccardi, Fiona Ocain, & Kathy [Read More...]
Art Show: "Time & Fever & Nothing More," visual poetry collages by Cornwall native Kylie Gellatly from her new book, The Fever Poems. Opening reception (registration requested at https://cornwalllibrary.org) March [Read More...]
Exploring Yoga with Nancy, Mondays, 5:00-6:15PM Upstairs at The Union. The fee is $15.00, a portion of which goes to the Hughes Memorial Library. Please contact Nancy Opgaard at nannyopgaard@gmail.com or 203-520-1697
The senior monthly luncheon will be held at the UCC Parish House on Tuesday, March 14 at noon. Please RSVP by Friday, March 10 to park.recreation@cornwall.gov or call/text 860-480-0600.
Meetings might be held via Zoom so please always check monthly agenda for meeting location. https://hrcct.weebly.com Cornwall Consolidated School, 5 Cream Hill Road, West Cornwall, the West Cornwall Firehouse, or [Read More...]
The Economic Development Commission of the town of Cornwall has allocated $3,500 of the town’s American Rescue Plan funding to allow local artists to bring vitality to the community through [Read More...]
Exploring Yoga with Nancy, Wednesdays, 8:30-9:45AM - Upstairs at The Union The fee is $15.00, a portion of which goes to the Hughes Memorial Library Please contact Nancy Opgaard at nannyopgaard@gmail.com or [Read More...]
Via Zoom or at Cornwall Library
Via Zoom until in person meetings may resume.