Community/Senior Lunch – UCC Parish House

UCC Parish House 8 Bolton Hill Road, Cornwall, CT

Community/Senior Lunch, Tuesday, December 10, UCC Parish House, noon. Must RSVP by December 6 to or 860-480-0600.

Community/Senior Breakfast – UCC Parish House

UCC Parish House 8 Bolton Hill Road, Cornwall, CT

Community/Senior Breakfast, Tuesday, November 26, 9 A.M. UCC Parish House, Must RSVP by November 24 to or 860-480-0600.

“KidsPlay” – UCC Parish House

UCC Parish House 8 Bolton Hill Road, Cornwall, CT

Kristin Ercoli from the Children’s Museum in Torrington will present “KidsPlay” and provide information about the hands-on museum on November 14 at 10:30 A.M. at the UCC Parish House on 8 Bolton Road. The program is free and open to all. Presented by the Cornwall Woman's Society.

Community/Senior Lunch – UCC Parish House

UCC Parish House 8 Bolton Hill Road, Cornwall, CT

Community/Senior Lunch, Tuesday, November 12, UCC Parish House, noon. Must RSVP by November 10 to or 860-480-0600.

Opening Reception: “Thugs and Mugs” by Steve O’Neil – UCC Parish House

UCC Parish House 8 Bolton Hill Road, Cornwall, CT

The UCC will host a reception for "Thugs and Mugs", a collection of photographs of Cornwall people taken at the Transfer Station, over a period of ten years by Steve O'Neil (AKA the Dump Guy.) Sunday, November 10th from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm in the Parish House. Refreshments served. Come one, come all.....maybe you'll [Read More...]

Election Day Lunch – UCC Parish House

UCC Parish House 8 Bolton Hill Road, Cornwall, CT

Election Day Lunch Tuesday, November 5, 11:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M. at the UCC Parish House. Soups, rolls, desserts, and beverages will be served. Donations benefit the Cornwall Food and Fuel Bank.

Halloween Trunk or Treat – UCC Parish House

UCC Parish House 8 Bolton Hill Road, Cornwall, CT

Thursday, October 31st Halloween & Trunk or Treat from 5:00-8:00 p.m. at THE UCC PARISH HOUSE. NEW VENUE THIS YEAR due to early voting. Families come to Cornwall Village on Halloween Night for Trick or Treating at houses & trunks throughout the village. If you don’t live in the village and want to hand out [Read More...]