
Art Class: Watercolor Landscapes with Collette Hurst

The Cornwall Library 30 Pine St, Cornwall, CT, United States

Saturdays, November 9, 16, and 23 10  to 11:30am Create a watercolor scene and combine pastels and watercolor pencils for rich color, texture, and detail effects. The workshop will include watercolor landscape basics and additional pastels and watercolor pencil techniques. A supply list will be provided upon registration. If you already have supplies, please bring [Read More...]


Ongoing Bridge Series with Gary Steinkohl – Library

The Cornwall Library 30 Pine St, Cornwall, CT, United States

Bridge is back with Gary Steinkohl: An ongoing series every Thursday through December from 3pm until 5pm at the Cornwall Library. The first class is September 5. If you know basic bidding and play and want to improve your game these classes are for you. For questions and to register contact Gary at

Cornwall Conservation Commission Meeting – Library

The Cornwall Library 30 Pine St, Cornwall, CT, United States

All meetings take place on the third Thursday of the month at 9am on zoom unless otherwise indicated. When meeting in person, the meetings will take place at the Cornwall Free Library. There will be no meeting in February or December. November 21 – In person

Local Civil War History with Peter Vermilyea – Library

The Cornwall Library 30 Pine St, Cornwall, CT, United States

Local Civil War History with Peter Vermilyea: November 16 at 5pm Union victory in the Civil War was far from guaranteed. The Northern war effort depended upon local communities to raise the troops and supplies needed for the battlefield. The history of Litchfield County highlights the challenges Northern communities faced. Armed confrontation erupted over the [Read More...]


Art Class: Watercolor Landscapes with Collette Hurst

The Cornwall Library 30 Pine St, Cornwall, CT, United States

Saturdays, November 9, 16, and 23 10  to 11:30am Create a watercolor scene and combine pastels and watercolor pencils for rich color, texture, and detail effects. The workshop will include watercolor landscape basics and additional pastels and watercolor pencil techniques. A supply list will be provided upon registration. If you already have supplies, please bring [Read More...]


Ongoing Bridge Series with Gary Steinkohl – Library

The Cornwall Library 30 Pine St, Cornwall, CT, United States

Bridge is back with Gary Steinkohl: An ongoing series every Thursday through December from 3pm until 5pm at the Cornwall Library. The first class is September 5. If you know basic bidding and play and want to improve your game these classes are for you. For questions and to register contact Gary at

International Poetry Day – Library, Live & Zoom

The Cornwall Library 30 Pine St, Cornwall, CT, United States

International Poetry Day. November 9th from 2pm until 4pm. Experience the Live / Zoom Real-Time Hybrid connection of poets on earth as 10 poets from all across the earth join with 10 poets from all across the United States. Share the onsite microphone with 10 poets reading live from Northwest CT. Free event. Simply register [Read More...]

Storytime with Rita Delgado – Library

The Cornwall Library 30 Pine St, Cornwall, CT, United States

Storytime with Rita Delgado: Saturday, November 9th, from 10:30am until noon. Jump into a magical book-filled interactive reading time with Miss Rita.