Spring Celebration – Foote Field

Foote Fields Furnace Brook Road, Cornwall Bridge, CT

Sunday, April 6th Spring Celebration 1-2pm @ Foote Field (rain or shine event) Hop on over to decorate eggs, make slime with Makayla, take a picture with the Park and [Read More...]

Community/Senior Lunch UCC – Parish House

UCC Parish House 8 Bolton Hill Road, Cornwall, CT

Tuesday, April 8th Community/Senior Lunch UCC Parish House @ 12:00p.m. MUST RSVP by April 6th to park.recreation@cornwallct.gov or call/text 860-480-0600


Land Use Meeting – Hybrid/Library

The Cornwall Library 30 Pine St, Cornwall, CT, United States

Clerk-Karen Nelson – (860) 672-4957 Planning & Zoning Commission 2nd Tuesday -7:00 p.m.  Except as noted*** Zoom/Hybrid/or in person – Cornwall Library 


Board of Selectmen Meeting – Hybrid/Library

The Cornwall Library 30 Pine St, Cornwall, CT, United States

Clerk: Jane Hall - (860) 672-4959 1st and 3rd Tuesday of month 7:30pm Hybrid/Zoom/ In Person – Cornwall Library Unless otherwise changed by the Board of Selectmen