
Ice Skating at Hotchkiss School

The Hotchkiss School 11 Interlaken Road, Lakeville, CT, United States

Ice Skating at Hotchkiss Cornwall residents skate from 7-8pm. Bring your own skates. A Hat or Helmet is REQUIRED. Every Saturday in January & February.  

Community/Senior Breakfast – UCC Parish House

UCC Parish House 8 Bolton Hill Road, Cornwall, CT

Tuesday, February 25th Community/Senior Breakfast UCC Parish House @ 9:00 a.m. MUST RSVP by Feb 23 to or call/text 860-480-0600

Jane Austen Reading – Library

The Cornwall Library 30 Pine St, Cornwall, CT, United States

Jane Austen reading: The Library continues its celebration of Jane Austen's 250th birthday with a selection of readings from her six novels. Wednesday, February 26, from 5 to 6:00 P.M. [Read More...]

Storytime with Rita Delgado – Library

The Cornwall Library 30 Pine St, Cornwall, CT, United States

Storytime with Rita Delgado: Saturday, March 1, from 10:30am until noon. Jump into a magical book-filled interactive reading time with Miss Rita.


Qi Gong with Irene Mardal

The Wellness Collective at the Union 415 Sharon Goshen Turnpike, West Cornwall, Connecticut

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