2-27-23 – Winter Storm In preparation for the winter storm that is headed our way, see the attached letter from First Selectman Gordon Ridgway. Stay safe!
Help us put a freeze on heating fires this winter. Here are some tips for safe heating brought to you by the Connecticut State Fire and Explosion Investigation Unit and [Read More…]
Topic: 02.27.2023 – Cornwall Housing Task Force – Special Meeting Time: Feb 27, 2023 04:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88930186294?pwd=cXBiTU00YlpBSHgzZXlvb3kzTVE3Zz09 Meeting ID: 889 3018 6294 [Read More…]
Cornwall Town Hall has a supply of Covid Self-Test kits available!! Stop in during our normal business hours or give us a call to arrange for a pickup. Hours: Monday [Read More…]
02272023 cancellation
02072023 regular meeting minutes
01302023 special meeting minutes with attachments
2.7.23 BoS Regular Meeting Minutes