7.15.21_BoF_Agenda_Meeting Canceled
07132021 regular meeting agenda
The Cornwall Transfer Station, Town Hall, and Town Offices will be closed on Thursday, July 15, 2021 for Front Line Workers Day. Hammond Beach is scheduled to be open on [Read More…]
With remnants of tropical storm Elsa in full effect here in Cornwall today, July Fest has been postponed until August. We hope to see everyone there!
(The Agenda will be posted later, at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting) Join Zoom Meeting Cornwall P&Z Regular Meeting 7/13/2021 @ 7:00 PM https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88386925593?pwd=VUFhL29vTFBmR3hjaWhwZ0ZhZXJYQT09 Meeting ID: 883 [Read More…]
The West Cornwall Covered Bridge was recently featured on CT Insider in an article titled: 5 covered bridges to visit in Connecticut. There is even a picture of the covered [Read More…]