Wastewater Management Project Construction CommitteeZoom recording of the WC Wastewater Committee meeting Posted on February 13, 2023February 18, 2023 by lazlo G 13 Feb Below is the link for the zoom recording of the WC Wastewater Committee meeting. https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/zpSpXngpe05mOrT1v_PDju5ARWRU-B80lU7nkAkSOjY3sIBOeQkbBFy51y_-C0xT.6pIBrlLsBJoSmbi4?startTime=1675893341000 Passcode: 4#@2#q+h lazlo G Pictures from the 8th Grade fundraiser, February 11, 2023. Pictures by Richard Griggs 2.21.23 BoS Regular Meeting Agenda