Delicious! An author talk and discussion with Rob Dunn and editor Gillian Blake – Zoom
Delicious! An author talk and discussion with Rob Dunn and editor Gillian Blake via Zoom. Registration required at cornwalllibrary.org.
Rob Dunn is a Reynolds Professor of Applied Ecology at North Carolina State University and a professor of human biodiversity in the Center for Evolutionary Hologenomics at the University of Copenhagen. He has published more than a hundred 150 scientific articles on topics as diverse as belly button biodiversity, the ecology of showerhead microbes, and the history, ecology and evolution of sourdough starters. He has also written seven books, the most recent of which are Delicious: The Evolution of Flavor and How it Made us Human (Princeton), written with Monica Sanchez and A Natural History of the Future (Basic). The former discusses the extent to which the big story of animal evolution, and the evolution of humans in particular, was shaped by the pursuit of delicious flavors. The latter considers the ways in which an understanding of life’s rugged laws of ecology and evolution allow us to understand the future. More specifically, it argues that when we ignore life’s laws that we invariably tend to make decisions that, while not necessarily putting nature at risk, do put human civilization at risk