Creative Writing with Deb Devins – Library
An event every week that begins at 6:00 pm on Wednesday, happening 6 times
Creative Writing: A 6-week Creative Writing class led by Deb Devins begins Wednesday, June 14, 6:00pm – 8:00pm. This beginner’s class is for anyone interested in writing short stories, novels, children’s stories, poetry, personal essays, memoir, or family stories. The class will cover understanding the creative process, writing inspired by life experiences, tapping into your imagination, creating fictional characters and stories, managing your inner critic, publishing, and more. Be inspired by the assigned writing exercises, or work on your independent writing projects. Participants will share their writing with the class for helpful and encouraging feedback.
$60 for all 6 classes payable at registration. Enrollment limited. Registration required at cornwalllibrary.org. Masks optional.