Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting – Town Hall
Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting – Town Hall
4th Monday except as noted * 7:00 p.m. – on Zoom and/or in person Town Hall Meeting Room
4th Monday except as noted * 7:00 p.m. – on Zoom and/or in person Town Hall Meeting Room
Tuesday, February 25th Community/Senior Breakfast UCC Parish House @ 9:00 a.m. MUST RSVP by Feb 23 to park.recreation@cornwallct.gov or call/text 860-480-0600
4th Tuesday at 7:30pm (except as noted*) On Zoom and/or in person at Cornwall Library
Jane Austen reading: The Library continues its celebration of Jane Austen's 250th birthday with a selection of readings from her six novels. Wednesday, February 26, from 5 to 6:00 P.M. If you have a favorite passage from an Austen novel, and/or would like to read it or have it read, please let the library director [Read More...]