Chili Cook Off
Saturday, March 1st: Chili Cook-off A fun night out to beat the winter blues! Join us 6-8pm At Town Hall Adult only, 18+, Glori Wilder Band playing (local band) Chili [Read More...]
Saturday, March 1st: Chili Cook-off A fun night out to beat the winter blues! Join us 6-8pm At Town Hall Adult only, 18+, Glori Wilder Band playing (local band) Chili [Read More...]
1st Tuesday - 7:00 p.m., except as noted* Zoom/Hybrid/ or in person -Town Hall
Clerk: Jane Hall - (860) 672-4959 1st and 3rd Tuesday of month 7:30pm Hybrid/Zoom/ In Person – Cornwall Library Unless otherwise changed by the Board of Selectmen
Clerk-Annie Kosciusko- (860) 672-2939 ext.3 1st Wednesday of month (Except January 15th) 4:00 p.m. CCS Library or on Zoom if indicated
Use paints, ink, and colored pencils to fill a sketchbook with nature and scenery subjects. Registration is required. $75 fee for all three classes, payable to the instructor at the [Read More...]
Tuesday, March 11th Community/Senior Lunch UCC Parish House @ 12:00p.m. MUST RSVP by March 9th to or call/text 860-480-0600
2nd Tuesday of month at 5:00pm (except as noted*) Hybrid/Zoom/In Person – Cornwall Library
Clerk-Karen Nelson – (860) 672-4957 Planning & Zoning Commission 2nd Tuesday -7:00 p.m. Except as noted*** Zoom/Hybrid/or in person – Cornwall Library
Use paints, ink, and colored pencils to fill a sketchbook with nature and scenery subjects. Registration is required. $75 fee for all three classes, payable to the instructor at the [Read More...]
On Sunday, March 16 at 1pm, Terry Burke, Will Berry, and Katherine Freygang will lead a hike to the Cornwall Valley overlook from the top of the Welles Preserve. Meet [Read More...]